HIMSS provides detailed guidance through various maturity models, each composed of 8 evolutionary phases. These models not only allow organizations to map but also to compare the digital maturity of health organizations globally.
Currently, Ahora Doctor is the sole HIMSS Partner for Latin America in Spanish-speaking regions, providing consultancy, certification, and support services for health organizations seeking certification in different HIMSS models.
HIMSS Maturity Models
There are various models are available, each designed to assess the level of development of your institution.
HIMSS maturity models and certifications not only provide international recognition and credibility to the hospital but are also used by nearly 3,000 institutions in over 43 countries. Obtaining a HIMSS digital certification is a notable achievement that designates an institution as a reference for excellence, but its impact goes beyond that. The transition to a digital hospital can significantly boost service quality, improve clinical outcomes, enhance patient safety, reduce costs, and much more.
Institutions with a high level of maturity in HIMSS models usually have:

There are several models, each suitable for measuring the stage of your institution.
Obtaining a HIMSS digital institution certificate is an important milestone in identifying an institution of excellence. But it goes much further than that.
A digital hospital can significantly increase the level of service, improving clinical outcome, increasing patient safety, reducing costs and much more.
Institutions with a high level of maturity in HIMSS models usually have: